Monday, April 16, 2012

Page Dante Rutherford, My best friend, My bro :)

            I was having great trouble in deciding on a topic to blog about this week. I searched through my mind for hours and for some reason, I just couldn’t think of anything. Eventually, I gave up searching my own mind and I decided to ask my best friend, Page Dante Rutherford, what I should blog about for Mrs. Caffey’s class.
            “Write about me!” he said. When I actually decided that I really was going to blog about him he tried to tell me he was kidding, but why not blog about my best friend? I do not see a problem with it at all. So today, I am going to explain to you guys why Page is such a great friend.
            Page seems to be misunderstood by a myriad of people. Many people will look at him and see a goofy “emo” kid. However, you can not be fooled by this boys looks because once you get to know him, he is one of the greatest people you could ever meet in this world.
            When Page moved to Holbrook in seventh grade I had no clue that he would become such a big part of my life. Our friendship started out with jealously. I was the jealous one, all over the stupid reason that he was better at guitar than I was. When we got put into a pair to work together in guitar class I was furious, but now I am more grateful than ever because that is was brought us together. He became my boyfriend!
–laughs- We were just little kids then so that did not last, but it has grown into something much more meaningful than just a junior high relationship, it grew into one of the best friendships I have ever found in this world.
            Page has such a big heart and he cares way too much for his own good. He is always worried more about you than he is about himself. He will drop everything to come to your side if you need him. It is hard to find friends like that, but lucky me, I found one. He tries to do anything he can just to put a smile on your face, and if you know Page, I am sure you know that he does that pretty well. :D
            Page is a loyal friend; he will stick with you through thick and thin, the good times and the bad times. No matter what I do or who I am, I know that my best friend will always be in my life, and I am eternally grateful for this. I must tell you, you are a lucky person to know this guy, and even luckier if you make him one of your friends because out of all the people I have met in this world, I know for a fact that Page Dante Rutherford will always be a true friend. He has a special place in my heart until the end of time. <3
-Love, Bridgette.

1 comment:

  1. Now that i think of it I met my closest friends in the strangest places. Like I met Dwayne in junior high because one of the adults sent me his way because he was new and had no friends. This short little hacker became one of my closest friends throughout the next few years of school. I remember meeting Garrett at my freshman year bonfire. He looked and acted like he was on some kind of drug but before long we were thicker than thieves. Friends come in the strangest forms but the good ones last forever and even though circumstances force them to leave our lives I will never forget the friends that I have made.
